
Herbs C

Herbs C

HERBS…These can be used in mojo pouches and worn or carried. They are also frequently used in incense and mixed with resins like frankincense to burn on a charcoal disc. A special wash can be made using a variety of herbs mixed together then boiled in water and applied to doors, skirting boards, and window frames to protect the home from negativity or ill wishing. A useful book to help you choose your herbs is ‘Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs’ by Scott Cunningham. It lists hundreds of herbs and their magical uses as well as useful section of herbs that are ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’ and an ‘at a glance’ section for specific use that list the herbs you can use.

Check our workshops page regularly to find out when we are next running a herbal incense workshop.

Please note that the herbs we sell are for magical use only and not for consumption or use in cosmetics or ointments.

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Calendula Flowers can be used for protection and to bring prophetic dreams. They can also be taken i..
Cascara Bark is used for removing energy blockages, it is useful for empowerment spells. ..
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Occult, Witchcraft and Magic folklore uses - Associated with luck as well as protection from evil an..
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Herb Cloves 10g Out Of Stock
Cloves are often used to banish and ward against hostile or negative forces. They are handy with shi..
Coltsfoot can be used in love spells and  spells for peace and tranquility. ..
Corn silk can be used in magic for fertility and protection and is used as a medicine. It ..
Cornflower's natural indigo colouring vibrates to heal the Third Eye Chakra, working to awaken one's..