
See All Tumbles

See All Tumbles

Tumbled stones are small, rounded, brightly polished pieces of rocks and minerals. They are made by placing rough rocks in a machine known as a rock tumbler, which tumbles them until their edges and surfaces are smooth and polished.

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Unakite  treats the reproductive system and aids a healthy pregnancy. It eases fears and p..
Eclogite can increase self confidence and self esteem. It has been used to get rid of negative feeli..
Amazonite relieves muscle spasms it can be used to treat the brain and nervous system. It helps you ..
Tibetan green phantom quartz crystal is a natural quartz cluster covered by many tiny crys..
Apatite treats joint problems and bones, increases motivation and stimulates creativity. It clears c..
Clear quartz stimulates the immune system, aids concentration and removes energy blockages. Quartz b..
Tumble Agate Blue Lace New
Blue lace agate can be used to reduce fever and inflammation; it treats the throat, thyroid and stom..
Botswana Agate helps release repressed emotional so you can heal. It helps to promotes creativity an..
Dendritic agate encourages healing and creativity. It improve self-esteem and emotional balance. It ..
Green Moss Agate lowers fevers and reduces sensitivity to pollutants. It treats pancreas, stomach an..
Snow (white) agate is a stone of balance, it harmonises the male and female balance in the body, bri..
Amethyst reduces bruising and swelling, relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain and can ..
Amethyst Health | Calms | Hearing | Decision Making Amethyst crystals are a variation of quar..
Amethyst Health | Calms | Hearing | Decision Making Amethyst crystals are a variation of quar..
Amethyst Health | Calms | Hearing | Decision Making Amethyst crystals ..
Amethyst reduces bruising and swelling, relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain and can ..
Amethyst Healing Qualities   Amethyst crystals magnifies the energy of other crystals...
Ametrine is a mixture of Amethyst and Citrine and embodies the properties of both stones. It release..
Angelite alleviates inflammation, repairs tissue and blood vessels and cools the pain of sun burn. I..
Apatite treats joint problems and bones, increases motivation and stimulates creativity. It clears c..