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Ceridwen Wall Plaque
This beautiful depiction of Ceridwen, the 'White Sow' or 'White Lady of..
Millennial Gaia by Oberon Zell.
Comes with an infomation booklet describing the artist's process ..
This striking circular terracotta plaque has a copper effect finish and comes with a twine loop read..
A charming hand made and decorated Greenman wall plaque in an ivy leaf design. Very Heavy!
Hand made here in the UK
Cernunnos Sconce Mirror
36 cm -Hook embedded in..
Lammas is the celebration of Mid-Summer.
By celebrating Lammas as a harvest holiday we honour our a..
Litha, (leetha) also known as Midsummer or the summer solstice, is the longest day of the year. It’s..
The myth of the Moon Gazing Hare reflects ancient beliefs. Pagans believe that seeing a moon ga..
Pentacles and Pentagrams represent the five elements. Earth, air, fire, water and spirit and is a sy..