
S/C Grain Incense Hecate

S/C Grain Incense Hecate
Product Code: 06778
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Place a self-igniting charcoal disc on a fire-proof surface. The charcoal disks can be ignited simply by holding a match or lighter to the rim. When the entire disc is glowing red hot it is ready to use and you can place a little pinch of incense on top

Hecate, the Crone Goddess embodies feminine wisdom, magic and enchantment. She is the Goddess of insight and understanding, who presides over the mysteries of death and transformation. She has the power to grant wishes to mortals - though be warned as you might get what you ask for in unexpected ways! This incense can be burnt when reflecting upon the nature of death, transformation and change and may help facing the more shadowy aspects of inner and outer reality.ts.

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Tags: Starchild Hecate Grain Incense, Hecate, Grain Incense, Incense, Resin