Please make sure you choose the correct shipping option when you want your order posting out. Do NOT select 'pick up from store' if you want it to be posted out. If you do NOT select your shipping option to add to your paypal payment we CANNOT post it to you and we will have to send you a request for further payment or refund you minus the fees and admin.
PLEASE NOTE: Orders placed after 4pm on Saturdays will be processed the following Tuesday
Orders cancelled after payment will be charged paypal fees and admin
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By creating an account you will be able to shop faster, be up to date on an order's status, and keep track of the orders you have previously made.
Please make sure you choose the correct shipping option when you want your order posting out. Do NOT select 'pick up from store' if you want it to be posted out. If you do NOT select your shipping option to add to your paypal payment we CANNOT post it to you and we will have to send you a request for further payment or refund you minus the fees and admin.
PLEASE NOTE: Orders placed after 4pm on Saturdays will be processed the following Tuesday
Orders cancelled after payment will be charged paypal fees and admin